Our Outcome

Our Purpose

Our Solution

Our Outcome Our Purpose Our Solution

OUR Purpose

We exist to solve two of the world’s food related challenges.

The existential threat of disappearing farm labour with its associated food security and where the sustainable alternatives to animal derived protein will come from.

We support UN Sustainability Goal 2 - “Invest in sustainable agricultural practices”

The farmer’s reality

Labour sourcing

…. for hard work in (often) adverse weather is becoming increasingly difficult.

Labour rate inflation

… is a major drive of farmgate costs.

labour availability

… is diminishing and often results in crops being left to rot.

Regulatory tightening

… is increasing labour issues.

OUR Solution

We provide sustainable palatable products in three initial ‘natural’ forms:

We allow the food manufacturer to deliver nutritious hypoallergenic products that have low embedded food miles and reduced environmental impact.

to deliver

… sustainable palatable protein from the 80% of the broccoli plant that is off-cut.

To automate

… broccoli harvest as a mechanism to lock-in feedstock access. Using patent protected technology, transforming the cost of production of the current crop for the farmer.


… the nutrients near where it is grown and consumed and eliminate ultra-processing and subsequent re-processing, transport costs and food miles.

The Earth's Current condition

Food Manufacturer

The rapid shift to plant based diets has only just begun.

An increasing awareness of the environmental credentials of existing plant-based protein ingredients is creating a need in the market.


Soy allergies and intolerances are an issue. 

Consumers seek alternative plant-based proteins to soy, wheat and pea that satisfy a more balanced set of health, palatability and environmental credentials.


Soy production creates issues regarding biodiversity, water resources, deforestation and soil erosion.

Soy and pea protein come with large embedded ‘food-miles’.

OUR Outcome

UPP enables manufacturers to deliver delicious nutritious hypoallergenic plant-based products.

All foods shown here have UPP product as a major ingredient

We allow the food manufacturer to deliver new foods that meet the emerging consumer demand for environmentally sustainable healthy foods.